For years, Joe and I have been seeking the Lord regarding whether/when our side (aka night) business should become our day job. After much, prayer, petition, fasting, tears and acknowledging fears, we have come to the place where we are feeling called to step out in faith.
Now, our "if" has become "when."
This past week, Joe talked with his boss about an exit plan from working at the University. It appears that the beginning of April will be his last day working there.
While we don't know exactly what our next step will look like, we pray it will involve more time spent together as a family, the maintenance of a more healthy schedule/lifestyle (aka not working until midnight every night and all day each Saturday), as well as more flexibility in being able to connect with people the Lord has placed along our path.
Please pray for us as we step out in faith in this direction. Join us in praying for unity between the two of us, as it seems this is where the main source of spiritual attack is at this point. We do trust the Lord has much in store for us, and though we don't have a clear picture of what that looks like, help us to trust and know that God's yet-to-be-fully-revealed plan is truly better than anything we could conceive for our own selves.
Oh wow! How exciting/scary! Praying =)