Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gifts that Give Life

If you're looking forward to the holidays, but dreading those thoughts of, "what am I to buy for the person who has it all," my friend Amy has put together a list of some gift options where the profit of the gift item goes to support things like adoption or food and education for those without. Check out her blog for some options. You just might be able to bless more than one person with your gifts this Christmas season. And, if you find yourself just loving something listed, consider adding it to your own list.

May you seek to change the world this Christmas, just as Christ did, that very first Christmas.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

When things get quiet...

When things get quiet, I've learned to go looking.
Here is what I discovered after a few silent moments this week:

Exhibit A: Jacob, on top of the dining table, drinking from my water bottle.

Exhibit B: Ashley said, "I ran out of room on my paper," so she painted her face and hands and arms. 
Thank goodness it was watercolors.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

The "Ship"man Pirates. I'm the ship and then the others are the pirates.
Joe retrieving Jacob from a house he invited himself into to go pet their dog and explore for more candy.

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