Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jacob's Eye Appointment

Thank you to everyone for your prayers. Jacob's appointment with the ophthalmologist went really well. The doctor is hoping/thinking Jacob will outgrow his eye problem-perhaps even over the next two months. So, for two months we'll wait and watch, and unless things get worse, we'll go see him in August to check them out again. And, if he doesn't outgrow the problem (please Lord, please), the doctor is pretty sure they can fix the problem if need be.


  1. Good to hear. We will keep praying.

  2. oh good! I hope it corrects itself. Its interesting how little kids bodies can do that.

  3. Even though waiting is so hard, that could be a great answer. It would be so awesome for them to correct on their own.

  4. Hey I already knew this as you told me but I am
    finally checking out your blog. Yeah for me, maybe I'll continue to check it out-who knows
