Friday, January 29, 2010

He can crawl...

Jacob is officially 7 months old today and as of today, he can crawl...backwards. I don't have any crawling pics yet because pictures do not really do justice to the evidence of his mobility. We are beginning to find him backed up into some really unusual places that no mother would set her child down. I'm sure I'll have some interesting portraits over the next few weeks as he gets his directions and coordination all figured out.

This silly sister, Ashley, said some funnies yesterday. My favorite was her statement in Brookshires, our local grocery store, while she was sitting on the toilet. "Mommy, my bottom is empty." Last night she told me that her bottom was empty again but it would be full in the morning. Good to know, right?

Ashley also started making marked progress in her ability to write letters this week. We are super excited for her. She recognizes most letters, knows all their sounds, and is not on the concept of trying to write them. We practice some simple words with her, but she does not seem quite ready to read yet. That's okay, the little lady is only 2 and 3/4 years old.

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